Social Skills with Subha Bhaskaran
Classes begin in 2024, Date & Time TBD
More about Subha:
Subha Bhaskaran has been involved with volunteering for the “Joanne and Ted Lindsay Foundation Autism Outreach Services (commonly called as OUCARES)” which is a part of the “Oakland University Center for Autism”. She started volunteering with elementary autistic kids (K-5th) towards developing their “Basic Social Skills” in the year 2019. After about a year, Subha took on volunteering for the “Structured Social and Communication Training for Adults” online program for developing social communication to adults implicated with autism/neuro-adverse issues. Each of the programs would have various “Social Skills Development” topics that would be discussed with the group aimed at understanding the different forms of communication and also give a chance for the group to practice social skills that they have learned during the sessions. Subha holds a Doctoral degree in Biomedical Sciences – specialization in Biological Communication from Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan and a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Originally from India, Subha appreciates the support that she has received throughout her career from her family, friends and colleagues and always finds opportunities to give back to the community.